Infections can be picked up almost anywhere; much of the time they pose little serious risk. Sometimes, though, infections are serious, and can be disabling or even life-threatening if not detected and treated quickly. Some of these infections may even be contracted in hospitals and other medical settings. Common infections include MRSA, C. difficile, blood stream infections (sepsis), strep infections, urinary tract infections, and infections of surgical sites.
Leaving an infection untreated can lead to devastating effects. Not only does the original infection become more entrenched and difficult to treat, but the patient is placed at risk of developing a secondary infection with permanent consequences. For example, an undiagnosed kidney infection could advance and cause renal (kidney) failure. A strep infection may develop into necrotizing fasciitis. This flesh-eating bacteria in turn may lead to the loss of digits or limbs, or even to death.
At the least, an infection that is diagnosed later than it should be may require additional treatment or stronger medication, and may cause extended recovery time. At the worst, it could lead to the loss of a pregnancy, loss of sight or other physical function, or even loss of life.
Failure to diagnose an infection may rise to the level of medical malpractice, but this is often challenging to prove. It may not be readily apparent that a doctor breached a duty of care by failing to diagnose the infection sooner. Even if the doctor did breach this duty, an attorney must still be able to prove that the breach caused harm to the patient. The Fraser Law Firm P.C. has the experience to successfully prepare and argue these cases.
Located in Portland, The Fraser Law Firm P.C. is one of a handful of Oregon law firms that accepts failure to diagnose infection cases. Our medical malpractice attorney and legal team regularly work with the respected medical experts whose testimony helps win these complex cases.
We understand that money can't make up for the physical and personal losses a doctor's failure to diagnose an infection can cause. Our goal is to help our clients recover financially, so they can focus on what's important: their healing and family.
If you believe that you, or a loved one, has been harmed by a doctor's failure to diagnose and treat an infection, you need to take action promptly. Contact an experienced Portland medical malpractice attorney of The Fraser Law Firm P.C. We will offer you a candid, straightforward evaluation of your case.
The Fraser Law Firm P.C. serves Portland and the surrounding areas, working with clients throughout Oregon. Contact us at (971) 266-8877. We look forward to working with you.