A brachial plexus injury involves injury to the nerves that control the muscles in one's arm, shoulder and hand. Although such injuries can happen in a variety of ways and at any time of life, they occur most commonly during the birth process. Such injuries are also known as obstetric brachial plexus palsy.

Obstetric brachial plexus palsy occurs most frequently when the doctor or other medical professional experiences difficulty delivering a baby's shoulder; when a shoulder becomes caught on the mother's pubic bone (shoulder dystocia), the baby's brachial plexus nerves may be caused to stretch or tear. The severity of these injuries varies, but can be complex and cause paralysis or other permanent disability. Erb's palsy involves an injury of the upper brachial plexus nerves, and causes diminished ability to move the shoulder and flex the elbow. Klumpke's palsy involves injury to the lower brachial plexus, causing loss of function in the wrist and hand.

Brachial plexus injuries are often avoidable. They may be caused by a doctor's failure to prevent a baby's shoulder from lodging in the pubic bone; improper or unnecessary use of forceps or vacuums; too much pressure being placed on an infant's head during delivery; or an obstetrician's failure to prepare for a breech birth. When a brachial plexus injury is the result of a doctor's failure to observe the accepted standard of care, it is medical malpractice.

Portland Brachial Plexus Injury Attorney Serving Oregon

The team of The Fraser Law Firm P.C. have successfully handled many brachial plexus injury cases arising from obstetric malpractice. We understand how painful it is to know that one's child is suffering, with unknown future challenges ahead. It's all the more difficult when that suffering was avoidable.

The Fraser Law Firm P.C. is one of the few Oregon law firms equipped to handle the complexity of a medical malpractice case for brachial plexus injuries. We have extensive experience with brachial plexus and other nerve injury cases, as well as relationships with the medical experts whose testimony is essential in these matters.

We take pride in keeping our clients informed and involved in their cases. Our clients' goal is to provide for and protect their families, and we share in their commitment to creating the brightest possible future for their children.

Oregon Nerve Injury and Obstetric Malpractice Attorney

If your child suffered a brachial plexus injury during the birth process, contact an obstetric malpractice attorney at The Fraser Law Firm P.C. We will offer you a thorough, straightforward analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and help you explore your options.

The Fraser Law Firm P.C. serves Portland and the surrounding areas, working with clients throughout Oregon. Contact us at (971) 266-8877. We look forward to working with you.