$4.7 Million Jury Verdict Medical Malpractice

Misdiagnosis and failure to refer stroke patient to higher level facility.

$4.7 Million Jury Verdict After Neurologist Fails to Diagnose Stroke

Neurologist failed to properly diagnose a basilar pontine stroke and failed to refer patient to a higher level care facility such as a regional stroke center. Patient suffered a massive stroke causing severe disability and paralysis.

$4 Million Settlement After Doctor Fails to Diagnose Heart Attack

Doctor failed to listen to his patient when she described chest pain and fatigue. He failed to order the necessary blood tests, including troponin. These tests would have indicated patient was having a heart attack and prevented the massive heart damage that occurred the following day.

$1.7 Million Settlement for Hospital Negligence

Hospital staff technician negligently injected contrast dye in to arm of patient.

$950,000 Dental Malpractice Settlement

Patient suffered catastrophic nerve injury to her mental nerve after oral surgery at OHSU. The attending surgeon failed to supervise his residents while performing a very complex surgical extraction of an ankylosed tooth. The extraction severed the mental nerve of the patient.